Seminar #valoresostenibile | In Alessandria on 16 November to talk about reporting

6 Nov, 2023

Locandina evento #valoresostenibile Alessandria

How to adopt ESG values and create lasting value for businesses and the communities in which they work

Today companies of all sizes and in every sector are building a new awareness of the new environmental, social and governance responsibilities (the so-called ESG factors) and related legal requirements. In this context, reporting activities take on a new strategic role for organisations. To explore sustainability reporting with businesses in the Alessandria area, on Thursday 16 November 2023 (10.30 – 13.00) at the Palatium Vetus in Alessandria (Piazza Libertà, 28) Amapola is holding a seminar on the challenges and opportunities of sustainable reporting entitled Reporting sostenibile, da sfida a opportunità together with 3i groupFedermanager Alessandria, Autosped G SpaUniCreditAFC Consulting. Registrations are open here.

Sustainability reporting: not just obligations

The new European legislation on sustainability reporting imposes a change of pace in reporting processes, marking a new phase of maturity in ESG strategies and companies’ ability to engage with their stakeholders. To transition into the new dimension, however, companies need to move beyond the idea of a legal obligation: change is required not only by the law, but also by the markets, citizens, consumers, the financial community. These pressures are driving organisations towards greater responsibility on the environmental and social front, governance led by sustainability principles, a future-oriented strategic vision and, consequently, more precise and transparent measurement of the actions they are implementing.

If cultural change is the main challenge facing businesses, the sustainability report, an increasingly integral accompaniment to the financial report, is the key tool for communication and for planning and control of activities and services, with a special focus on environmental and social impacts, the creation of long-term value, relations with the community and stakeholders.

The program

The seminar will provide participants with answers to the many questions raised by ESG measurement and reporting, starting from a description of the reference scenario, examining solutions to sustain the current transition through concrete experiences, and reviewing the skills needed to manage the potential risks and turn them into opportunities.


How to adopt ESG factors and create lasting value for businesses

Moderator: Enrico Sozzetti – Journalist

10:30     Welcome and institutional greetings

  • Giorgio Abonante, Mayor of Alessandria – Roberto Promutico, President Federmanager Alessandria – Mauro Bressan, Director Federmanager Alessandria – Luciano Mariano, President Cassa di Risparmio Alessandria

 Introduction to #valoresostenibile

·        10:45 – “Beyond the law. Sustainability is already here” – Sergio Vazzoler/Amapola

The present context requires companies to move towards sustainability reporting, over and beyond the requirements of law: the market orientation is, increasingly, on the ESG factors and the trend will not reverse; indeed, it will consolidate fast, closely involving supply chains and paying growing attention to questions like climate impact, diversity and inclusion. Within this, communication in its original meaning of making information common knowledge plays a strategic role in creating the conditions for alignment between corporate governance and market trends from an ESG perspective.

·        11:00 – “An example of a process to reduce emissions and energy consumption” – Gianluca Gualco/3i group

11:15 – “From accountant to sustainable development consultant” – Alessandro Armano, AFC Consulting

Abstract: From contextual data to legislative developments and to industry 5.0. The new corporate model designed to create value for all stakeholders, through environmental sustainability, social responsibility and good “governance” practices. As a figure familiar with the entrepreneurial fabric and production processes, the accountant can and must support the company on its sustainable development journey.

11:35 – “Responsibility in movement. Certification of Gender Equality as a growth driver ” – Sara Merlo, AutospedG

The Group’s sustainability objectives, including the UN 2030 Agenda’s goal 5 “Gender equality” – the state of the art at European level in numbers – a reference to Italian law no. 162/2021 on Certification of Gender Equality to reduce inequality in the workplace – the UNI/Pdr 125:2022 standard – the procedure adopted.

11:55 – “Sustainability reporting: the point of view of a stakeholder, the Bank” – Antonio Epifani, Unicredit

Abstract: legislative requirements and market trends guide stakeholder decisions. In this context, the company-investor relationship gains a new narrative and consolidates the cooperative approach which, until now, had been obstructed by information asymmetry. The possible fall-out on lending and the cost of financial resources.

Closing round table and Q&A session

30’ Discussion among the project partners and dialogue with the public

12:45     Closing remarks and light lunch