Sustainability reporting, Arriva Italia chooses Amapola

10 Jul, 2023

Bus elettrici di Arriva Italia

The agency will help the public transport service provider set up a strategic pathway to a consolidated ESG position.

Arriva Italia is launching a sustainability reporting process that will see the publication of its first report in 2023. And Amapola will be acting as its consultant on its ESG development and reporting journey.

Arriva Italia is one of Europe’s leading players in public transport. A member of the Deutsche Bahn Group, which operates in 130 countries, it has been present in Italy since 2002, running local public transport services in the country’s Regions and municipalities, together with airport links, rental services, tourism services and mobility for major events. Respect for the environment, for people and for communities is a strategic value for organisations in a complex industry like public transport. Arriva has been active on the  sustainable mobility front for a number of years through the Zero Emission Institute project, a central knowledge and skills hub that develops decarbonisation strategies. Another key element of its corporate strategy is the importance it attaches to ensuring service accessibility for all users.

Sustainability reporting and valorisation: the project for Arriva Italia

Arriva Italia’s decision to publish its first sustainability report confirms and amplifies its ESG commitment. The company intends to develop a  solid reporting pathway over the medium and long term by setting up a streamlined reporting process, which it will use to strengthen dialogue with its stakeholders, create opportunities for meetings and build relationships.

The result will be Arriva’s first voluntary sustainability report, a publication that will measure and illustrate its sustainability initiatives, projects and achievements. The report will refer to reporting metrics and international developments, starting with the new GRI standards that came into force on 1 January 2023. To facilitate circulation of the document, Arriva is also planning to produce a  summary, in Italian and English. Furthermore, the Arriva report will be accompanied by six pocket-size “territorial” versions covering specific key areas in which the company operates. These flexible tools will make the sustainability report a dynamic document for all stakeholders, opening up opportunities for engagement with local communities. Reporting on a territorial basis will tie data to a specific context, making it easier to understand.

Amapola will coordinate the internal sustainability taskforce, providing consultancy for stakeholder engagement activities and on the introduction of materiality, as well as assistance on data collection. It will also be responsible for drafting the texts of the reporting, for the graphic design and for the page layout.

Reporting to contribute to change

«Sustainability reporting is playing an increasingly central role in establishing, demonstrating and spreading a responsible corporate culture,» comments Arriva Italia CEO Angelo Costa. «For Arriva Italia, embarking on a reporting journey means contributing to internal and external change. On one hand, it strengthens our people’s awareness that we are involved in a shared project and boosts consensus. On the other hand, it drives engagement with external stakeholders, underpinning our ability to listen, improving transparency and pooling objectives and results.»