Planning the future every day. 3i group celebrates 40 years with an anniversary book edited by Amapola

3 Apr, 2024

Copertina del libro sui 40 anni di 3i group

Innovation, environment, people and community: the book examines value generated and shared with the territory.


Forty years ago, 3i group, a company that offers integrated civil and industrial engineering, design, consultancy and training services, with a specific focus on safety, energy and the environment, made its debut. Today it is celebrating this important milestone with an anniversary book on its history, a story of value generated and shared with the community. The book was edited by Amapola and can be viewed online on this web page.

The Group history

Today, 3i group is part of a business network consisting of more than 100 people, and manages 3,000 clients across Italy and 1,120 projects a year. In addition to the Group’s entrepreneurial journey, the book looks at the people in the organisation, the experiences and anecdotes of the various departments, the strategic decisions for the future and 3i group’s many territorial projects. It takes a dual approach: the chapters describing the company also feature interviews with employees and comments from the owners. A way to give a voice and value to the experience of the people who work in the organisation on a daily basis.

«First of all the book examines the value we have created over the years, which, from the very beginning, we have always put back into circulation by investing in our company and in the area around us,» comments 3i group partner and founder Francesco Daquarti. «Our relations with our employees, clients and the local community have always been at the centre of our operations. And that’s how we want to go on working.»

The book edited by Amapola

History, innovation, environment and community are the narrative chapters covered by the book in describing 40 years of activity. Amapola assisted 3i group throughout the project, from planning to production, including the drafting of the text and the graphics-creative design, which echoes the visual identity developed by the company for the anniversary.

«From its history to its commitment to the environment and the community: the anniversary book goes beyond 3i group’s business project to examine its identity and values,» comments Micol Burighel, the project leader in Amapola. «The goal of all the operations and projects examined in the book is to generate sustainable value, in other words lasting, shared value. These common principles form the basis for 3i group’s collaboration with Amapola, we have worked together on sustainability projects on a number of occasions, sharing strategic objectives as well as values and vision.»