Communicating the environment? Amapola tells you how in its podcast!

2 Feb, 2024

Microfono e locandina podcast sul decalogo della comunicazione ambientale

Climatologist Serena Giacomin, the guest on the fifth episode, talks about complexity.

Ten points, ten episodes, ten guests talking about the complexities, tools and opportunities involved in environmental communication. Amapola’s ten golden rules for environmental communication is now a podcast on Spotify. After the initial “in house” episode with Amapola partner Sergio Vazzoler, the podcast guests have been Massimo Vaccari, Chair of La Filippa, Matteo Colle, Head of External Relations and Sustainability at the⁠ CAP Group, Rossella Sobrero, Chair of Koinètica and organiser of the CSR and Social Innovation tradeshow, Serena Giacomin, physicist, climatologist and President of the Italian Climate Network.

Communication at the heart of a sustainable transition

The ten golden rules are a vademecum of good practices and survival tips for communication in the world to come.

Is there a right way to communicate the environment? How can you talk about environmental questions in simple terms, without falling into the superficiality trap? And how do you manage the conflicts that often arise over these issues? From social communication to greenwashing, from listening processes to types of behaviour. The list examines the typical dynamics of environmental communication, while never forgetting the close ties with social and economic issues.

«In a world where sustainability has become our daily bread, we can no longer afford the luxury of poor environmental communication,» says Sergio Vazzoler. «Among the main global risks over the short and long term, the annual World Economic Forum report includes  disinformation and the consequences of the climate crisis. Communication plays a more strategic role than ever in supporting a sustainable transition, eliminating distortions and adopting consensual solutions.»

The Amapola environmental communication podcast project

#Se non parli ti cancello, #Le tre C sul comò, #3 A buon comunicatore tante domande, #4 Trasparenza is the new black, #5 Il difficile è farla semplice. These are the titles of the five podcast episodes already available on Spotify (HERE). The season will be completed with five additional episodes, one every two months. For sceptics who are still unconvinced about the importance of this question, each episode opens with an introduction from the “proverbial” Ms Vox Populi, who highlights the distorted dynamics that poor environmental communication can generate.

«The podcast covers the ten golden rules, opening them up for discussion with professionals working in sustainability communication on a daily basis» says Micol Burighel, head of communication at Amapola and presenter of the podcast. «The complexity of the subject needs a shared approach based on dialogue and participation. That’s what we intend to do with this podcast. Open up a discussion forum, a reservoir of ideas, tools and strategies whose key strength is the multiplicity of experiences and perspectives.»