The program with the Torino Social Impact practice community continues: Amapola training on Wednesday 8 May

22 May, 2024

Il primo incontro del 2024 con la comunità di pratica di Torino Social Impact
The project for Benefit Companies in the Turin network has resumed activities. Amapola opens the 2024-2025 program with an online training session on the topic of stakeholder engagement.

The journey organised together with the Benefit Companies in the Torino Social Impact network, which established the network’s first practice community, is underway again. The Fi4benefit program that began in 2023 is continuing with new activities planned for 2024 and 2025. Amapola will open the first of this year’s online meetings, on Wednesday 8 May, with a training session for the other benefit companies on the topic of stakeholder engagement. The title is Sustainability is elsewhere, a place rooted in the imagination, creativity, opportunities and development models other than those we are familiar with. 

The practice community of the Torino Social Impact benefit companies

Today the ecosystem has 50 benefit companies in the network: each one, with its mission, projects and vision, believes in the power of collaboration and working together. After the networking and training activity launched in 2023, on 25 April 2024 some of the members of the community met to plan new events, starting from the needs that emerged at the end of 2023. We were one of them 😉

In continuity with 2023, the new edition of Fit4benefit is sharing a number of important objectives, such as creating common knowledge through peer learning activities and building new relations, sharing experiences and points of view, and, above all, growing together.

Two parallel training courses are planned for 2024-2025: 

Fit4benefit “online version” 

  • Stakeholder engagement: sustainability is elsewhere
    presented by Amapola
    8 May 2024, 12.15-13.15 hours
  • Reporting
    presented by FL20 Studio
    18 September 2024, 12.15-13.15 hours
  • Company purpose Benefits
    presented by Futura Law Firm
    11 December 2024, 12.15-13.15 hours
  • Communicating Benefits
    presented by Synesthesia
    5 March 2025, 12.15-13.15 hours



Fit4benefit “direct attendance” 

  • The Good Governance game
    presented by Operàri
    21 June 2024, 15.30-18.30 hours
  • The function and drafting of the Benefit Report
    presented by FL20 Studio and Futura Law Firm
    8 November 2024, 15.30-18.30 hours
  • Positive organisations and gender parity management systems
    presented by Uomo & Ambiente and Clover
    24 January 2025, 15.30-18.30 hours
  • Being a Benefit company: communication, engagement, sharing
    presented by Amapola and Synesthesia
    18 April 2025, 15.30-18.30 hours