Marketing and communication
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A representative of the Y generation (she was born in 1994), Micol fell in love with books on her first trip to a library. She had a humanities education, first at the Liceo Classico Plana senior high school in Alessandria and later at the University of Genoa. In 2012, together with Danilo Arona, she published a novel, L’autunno di Montebuio (ed. Nero Press). She took a master’s degree in Information and Publishing, and her thesis was named the best degree thesis on journalism at the Fifth Pestelli Award.
Her fascination with communication and the digital universe led her to join a communication agency in 2019, where she worked on content creation, social media, communication strategy planning for the agency and its clients.
She made an enthusiastic debut in Amapola in 2021, in marketing and communication.
Inquisitive by nature and a devourer of stories, Elisa has great faith in the human race. She loves exploring new places and meeting new people. On some questions she is uncompromising: best not to bring up feminism and Italian grammar with her.