Autosped G Group: the 2023 Sustainability Report marks an important step forward in the corporate ESG strategy

17 Jul, 2024

Bilancio di sostenibilità 2023 - Gruppo Autosped G

The new report is published together with the Group’s financial statements and, for the first time, has undergone third-party assurance.

The Autosped G Group has presented its 2023 Sustainability Report, a document that sets out last year’s results but also marks a significant step forward in the organisation’s sustainability journey. Within the Group’s ESG strategy, the reporting process introduced three years ago and still implemented on a voluntary basis focuses on compliance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. The Group is accompanied on its journey by specialist sustainability consultancy Amapola.

Towards the new European directive

The Autosped G Group is a long-standing business organisation in transport, logistics, vehicle construction, the canning industry and major sports events. With 2,494 employees, a fleet of 4,223 vehicles and revenues amounting to 867 million euro (all figures that have risen with respect to 2022), it is an important player in Italian transport.

For the first time, the 2023 Sustainability Report has received official approval from the Board of Directors and undergone a limited assurance, conducted by international auditors Deloitte, to confirm the quality and accuracy of the information it provides. The report covers all of the Group’s Italian companies, and work is underway to include the international companies in future reports.

Social and environmental targets

In 2023, the Autosped G Group reported an increase in revenue, demonstrating its ability to react in a complex economic scenario. Value generated was evenly distributed, with investments in personnel, suppliers and the territorial community. The Group welcomed 250 new employees and launched a process to involve the supply chain in the development of a strategy to extend its ESG efforts over and beyond its own organisation. Investments were also made in the local community, with the now traditional sponsorship of the local sports teams A.S.D. BCC Derthona Basket and A.S.D. New Basket Team.

A significant result at social level came with gender equality certification for Autosped G e G&A, in compliance with the UNI/PdR 125:2022 standard. This achievement reflects the Group’s intention of creating an open, fair and inclusive working environment, taking a proactive approach to avoid any risk of discrimination.

During 2023, the Group also took decisive action to reduce carbon emissions by intensifying use of biofuels like HVO, which accounted for 13% of total fuel consumption for transport operations. An important contribution to its carbon emission reduction strategy.

Looking to the future

“The report is not just a testimonial to our commitment to sustainability, but a dynamic document that reflects our determination to create value for all our stakeholders,” says Autosped G Group CEO Luca Giorgi. “This integrated certified approach paves the way for even more ambitious initiatives in the future. We are proud of the results we’ve achieved, and we continue to look ahead, to complete application of the CSRD.”

Giulia Devanihead of the Amapola Reporting Area, adds: “Besides highlighting the progress of the Autosped G Group in sustainability, the 2023 Sustainability Report boosts the organisation’s transparency and responsibility, key elements to build up trust among its stakeholders. This is an ongoing journey towards application of the CSRD, the latest European directive.”

Amapola consultancy for the Autosped G Group’s 2023 Sustainability Report

Amapola has assisted the Group from the start of its reporting journey. Working closely with the Group’s operating teams, the agency coordinates data collection, the materiality analysis, text editing and the graphics and visuals for the report. This year, the sustainability report has a more institutional graphic design in line with the model employed for the financial reports. The new format is intended to make the report more similar to a financial document, in preparation for compliance with the CSRD. The new graphics emphasise the importance of the report as a transparency and communication tool, making information more accessible to all stakeholders.

The Sustainability Report can be viewed on this link:

Gruppo Autosped G - Bilancio di sostenibilità 2023